Disturbance famous quotes


  • I think of my books now as suspense novels, usually with a love story incorporated. They're absolutely a lot harder to write than romances. They take more plotting and real character development.

  • Passions are no more forgiving than human laws and they reason more justly. Are they not based on a conscience of their own, infallible as an instinct?

  • ... one doesn't want to read badly any more than live badly, since time will not relent. I don't know that we owe God or nature a death, but nature will collect anyway, and we certainly owe mediocrity nothing, whatever collectivity it purports to advance or at least represent.

  • You are seeing me now, when I am old and ugly; you should have seen me then, when I was young and ugly.

  • Certainly I do not wish that instead of these masters I had read baby books, written down to children, and with such ignorant dullness that they blunt the sense and corrupt the tastes of the still plastic human being. But I do wish that I had read no books at all till later - that I had lived with toys, and played in the open air. Children should not cull the fruits of reflection and observation early, but expand in the sun, and let thoughts come to them. They should not through books antedate their actual experiences ...

  • When people floated this idea that this was a conspiracy by the [Jeb] Bush campaign to undermine [Marco] Rubio, at first, it was like it`s too complicated, wheels within wheels but as I thought about it more I did buy that, that this is part of a campaign by Jeb to make it look like there`s no backup plan to Donald Trump, try to blow everything up and then all that will be left is Donald Trump and Jeb who nobody really likes but who has a ton of money and then he`s the only option left.

  • Slipping into madness is good for the sake of comparison

  • My favorite sport is female and my favorite food is beer.

  • He made her feel like more than the sum of her parts.

  • When you teach, it's sometimes necessary to consciously not write for a month or two - and then pick a time in the future to sink back in. It makes you less frustrated and more in control. I do best when I give myself breaks and come back hungry.