Shopkeepers famous quotes


  • Beauty set up distance between other people and me. It warped their behavior.

  • We may say that many, if not all, of the personality traits which we have called masculine or feminine are as lightly linked to sex as are the clothing, the manners, and the form of headdress that a society at a given period assigns to either sex.

  • We have obligations towards the innocent, the dead, towards the living, towards our children and their children.

  • Travel opens different eyes to different things, shows things we've never seen before, shows the world from entirely different angles. That's the power of drawing and the power of travel. They both make the familiar unfamiliar and vice versa. They show what we all have in common and what we may have missed thanks to preconceptions that may have marred our vision.

  • I'm saying that I lived too long. You want them to actually miss you [...] I truly believe there exists some combination of words. There must exist certain words in a certain specific order that can explain all of this, but with her I just can't ever seem to find them.

  • Good prose almost always requires both showing and telling, scenes and summary, the two basic components of creative prose.

  • A book is a garden; A book is an orchard; A book is a storehouse; A book is a party. It is company by the way; it is a counselor; it is a multitude of counselors.

  • The first man who compared woman to a rose was a poet; the second, an imbecile.

  • Remember to play after every storm.

  • I used to say that, as Solicitor General, I made three arguments of every case. First came the one that I planned-as I thought, logical, coherent, complete. Second was the one actually presented-interrupted, incoherent, disjointed, disappointing. The third was the utterly devastating argument that I thought of after going to bed that night.