Financial Markets famous quotes


  • How vast a memory has Love!

  • The United States faces no serious military threats today, yet is constantly at war.

  • If something happened to me, whose face will be on the front page of the paper begging for me? Is a person worth more because they have someone to grieve for them?

  • This is my life - I want to tell stories. There is something huge inside me that pushes me to tell stories, and tell stories for an audience and everybody.

  • It's a very insular political community up there. I think the court's part of that and they're protecting their own. There's no justice in Vermont today.

  • I lost the person I intended to keep.

  • Historians from England will say I am a liar, but history is written by those who have hanged heroes.

  • We all have our own little thing, I think.

  • Denys (Finch-Hatton) has been written about before and he will be written about again. If someone has not already said it, someone will say that he was a great man who never achieved greatness, and this will not only be trite, but wrong; he was a great man who never achieved arrogance.

  • For it is indeed consciousness that makes the body fully alive, and the body that gives consciousness a place to live.