Ovens famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • A lot of people... use a calculator!

  • Only from the heart can you touch the sky.

  • Accepting means you allow yourself to feel whatever it is you are feeling at that moment. It is part of the isness of the Now. You can't argue with what is. Well, you can, but if you do, you suffer.

  • Just because I was out at the bars all the time didn't mean I wasn't looking for someone to love

  • When I pitched headforemost into the world I landed in the crib of Negroism.

  • When we face pain in relationships our first response is often to sever bonds rather than to maintain commitment.

  • If success is really dependent on someone liking you or not liking you, and you have to teeter on that kind of tightrope of how you're supposed to act and how you're supposed to look and who you are, it's just not a healthy way to live.

  • I know I will have to come to forgiveness and acceptance of what has happened for me to go on and be happy in the future. And I know I will get there eventually. I wish him all the best in the future, as a person and as an athlete ... I feel privileged to have witnessed a part of his golfing career.

  • I've eaten weird things through the course of my life. I've eaten wild game, I've eaten possum - possum's no good.

  • The loss of a job may be the wake up-call needed to redeem the fire of your genius.