Skinner famous quotes


  • Jail and the streets go hand in hand. You can't have one with out the other. They coincide.

  • Evil…doesn’t mean doing things that have bad consequences for people. It means private thoughts and actions that are not to “the Christian majority’s” private liking.

  • There is a mental space that we consciously makes our way back to, and give honour to what has formed us in this mental homeland which we carry with us always. It is important not to try to annihilate it but to take your courage in your hands and go back, and then I think you can more easily make a new beginning. A lot of us would like to know how to do this.

  • No one has to give you permission to make music or make art.

  • That's why I get excited over new things, because I didn't have much when I was smaller and my parents could only do so much.

  • Never deny the babies their Christmas! It is the shining seal set upon, a year of happiness. Let them believe in Santa Claus, or St. Nicholas; or Kriss Kringle, or whatever name the jolly Dutch saint bears in your religion.

  • Trouble is a part of life, and if you don't share it, you don't give the person who loves you enough chance to love you enough.

  • When something is not good, it's bad. Period

  • It is out of fashion in these days to look backward rather than forward. About the only American given to it is some unreconstructed Southerner, who persists in his regard for a certain terrain, a certain history, and a certain inherited way of living.

  • The surest way to bring goodness to yourself is to make it your intention to do good for somebody else.