Do not pluck the beard of a dead lion. [Lat., Noli Barbam vellere mortuo leoni.]
It is amazing how may drivers, even at the Formula One Level, think that the brakes are for slowing the car down.
The last time I saw something that tall standing so still for so long, it was perched on the edge of a cliff shining a light across the sea.
In opera tradition, when opera die-hard fans, there is a replacement of singer or singer wasn't at his or hers vocal best, doing something, they boo. Especially now that they pay hundreds of dollars for the ticket.
Every time, I try to make something different.
I know because I read. Might I suggest you try it?
Cats have no sense of humor, they have terribly inflated egos, and they are very touchy.
I've never been that person to fake it, and say what everyone else wants you to say. Then you never have anything personal. If I wanted to be an actress all the time, I could do that. But I don't. I want to be real. I want to be a real person. That's what an artist is. An artist has to be honest. Without honesty, there's nothing.
I wanted to make a lot of good pitches.
Gymn says your fine. He's examined your internal organs and found nothing lacking.