If you had to work 14 hour days, Mondays to Fridays, then you have to keep Saturdays and Sundays sacred.
The coach is first of all a teacher.
when you put something good into the world, something good comes back to you.
If I went by all the rejection I've had in my career, I should have given up a long time ago.
What we don't talk about enough is Ohio's unique and remarkable quality of life. We are a state of cities, small towns and growing suburbs where life is affordable and destinations within reach. There is no better place to raise a family.
My favorite piece of tech gear is my SRM power meter. It's the most accurate power meter on the market.
I've never known a man worth his salt who, in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline
To run any system, you've got to grow your personnel and your players have to have a certain skill set.
There are no boundaries in the real Planet Earth. No United States, no Soviet Union, no China, no Taiwan...Rivers flow unimpeded across the swaths of continents. The persistent tides - the pulse of the sea - do not discriminate; they push against all the varied shores on Earth.
Belief is otiose; reality is sufficiently awesome as it stands.