People Can Change famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Like a chastity belt, the package tour keeps you out of mischief but a bit restive for wondering what you missed.

  • God would not rub so hard if it were not to fetch out the dirt that is ingrained in our natures. God loves purity so well He had rather see a hole than a spot in His child's garments.

  • Mafia is a process,not a thing.Mafia is a form of clan-cooperation to witch it's individual members pledge lifelong loyalty....Frienship,connections,family ties,trust,loyalty,obedience-this was the glue that held us together.

  • There's no such thing as a bad carbohydrate.

  • Ann Sothern's dressing room...was unbelievably lush and beautiful. More elegant than many homes I've been in.

  • My life's work has been to prompt others and be forgotten. Remember that night when Christian came to your balcony? That moment sums up my life. While I was below in the shadows, others climbed up to kiss the sweet rose.

  • ...and she ran out of the diesel combustion and right to me and we held each other and we were not empty at all. "Holling," she said. "I was so afraid I wouldn't fine you." "I was standing right here, Heather." I said. "I'll always be standing right here.

  • Compassion is an action word with no boundaries.

  • [T]he departing world leaves behind... not an heir, but a pregnant widow.

  • I gave my word that this source would not be identified unless he changed his mind. He has not.