Preconceived Notions famous quotes


  • Waiting for a long-term solution to immigration reform will not make Americans safer.

  • I took the first James Kelman novel, 'The Bus Conductor Hines', home to my dad. I thought, 'My dad will like this; it's written in Scots.' But my dad said: 'I can't read that.' He was reading James Bond and John le Carre. That was part of what attracted me to crime - the idea of getting a wide audience.

  • If you jump into a market when everyone else is doing the same thing, you're probably too late. On the other hand, if you get into a market early, when it's fundamentally undervalued, then wait for it to become extremely overvalued, and sell once a true top has been established, you should do very well.

  • I know I am extraordinarily lucky to be doing what I am doing. I have worked hard along the way and I have been blessed too. I have had a great life.

  • I used to refer to my photos as free radicals - and maybe that has to do with this idea of navigating history. I think of the works as having this dormant illness that can really latch on to different histories. So they can exist in a world pretending to be neatly encapsulated, already framed, and fixed. But actually they are these parasites dependent on the failure of modernist history and on multiplicity.

  • My father was raised in the mountains of New Mexico, and he picked cotton for a dollar a day. He was working for the family from the time he was 7.

  • What a long way it is from one life to another: yet why write if not for that distance; if things can be let go, every before replaced by an after.

  • There are many occasions when the highest praise one can receive is the attack of some given scoundrel.

  • I'm good where I am at this moment.

  • There are two economic realities in America in 2016. There's been a record six straight years of job growth, and new census numbers show incomes have increased at a record rate after years of stagnation. However, income inequality remains significant, and nearly half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.