Irrevocable famous quotes


  • I can not evolve any concrete theory about painting.

  • Being a footballer is not just about wearing the shirt and playing football on the pitch. You have to be clean, you have to do right things, you have to show courage, you have to show many many things you know. I always say that you play the same way on the pitch as you do in life.

  • Patriarchy values the hard over the soft; the tough over the tender; punishment, vengeance, and vindictiveness over compassion, negotiation, and reconciliation. The 'hard' qualities are linked to power, success, and masculinity - and exalted. The 'soft' qualities are identified with weakness, powerlessness, and femininity - and denigrated.

  • I love Rebel Rebel in Manhattan's West Village for vinyl, but record stores are hard to come by these days. I almost don't even use iTunes. I mostly use music subscription services. But I'll go into Rebel Rebel once a month or so and buy everything I love on vinyl.

  • I am convinced the struggle for righteousness man has cosmic companionship.

  • Sometimes you have to be forced away from your work to realize youÂ’ve made too much of it, to remember it doesnÂ’t define you.

  • When your institution is under assault, you're feeling like the weight is on it and the history might be flowing away, don't turn inward, go outward.

  • I want to get into producing and writing more for myself - setting up my own films and seeing what kind of personal touch I can put on movies, as opposed to just being in them.

  • People most strenuously seek to evaluate performance by comparing themselves to others, not by using absolute standards.

  • For me, Europe consists of three things: sovereignty, unity and democracy.