Esther famous quotes


  • High trees cast long shadows. The happier and more blessed a woman's life is, the more duz she feel for them that are less blessed than she.

  • It's not like I hate gay people.

  • Every rep that you take off, somebody else gets another look. That's just how I am. It's not a matter of being paranoid, it's a matter of being confident and not taking anything for granted.

  • The tender Mercy of God has given us one another.

  • Sound morals, religious liberty, and a just sense of religious responsibility are essentially connected with all true and lasting happiness.

  • Being a gossip reporter just isn't a respectable job. It'll chew you up and spit you out.

  • I challenge anybody to show me an example of bias in Fox News Channel.

  • I'm a true believer that unless you're Prince or Stevie Wonder - and even Prince is showing that he needs help - not everybody can produce themselves. I'm definitely not that person.

  • You was talkin' out of yer head last night, too," chortles Davy. "No one's gonna fancy me. I'm gonna be ugly and no on'es gonna fancyme!" he mimics, mincing about the hammock. "You are such a rum cove, Jacky, for thinkin' such things when yer just about beat t' death! Fancy me? Fancy me? Jacky, no one's gonna fancy us, we're all gonna end up lookin' like Snag!" "Which is how a salty dog sailor's supposed to look," says Willy with a firm nod. "And you're halfway there, Jack-o!" crows Tink. Ah, the sweet comfort of friends.

  • The most effective way to combat speech you don’t like is with speech.