Workplace Safety famous quotes


  • A platitude is simply a truth repeated till people get tired of hearing it.

  • Many men of science and poets have in their own manner, by various ways and means, and aided by others, sought unceasingly to create a more tolerable world for everyone.

  • Skateboarding and that whole industry just became so far away. I was trying to find that ultimate place, that place of contentment but I couldn't. I didn't find it in pushing the dark things of life to the limit either.

  • Even the people who come our way look upon us in amazement, that we run only for the healing of Mother Earth

  • Sir Guy Campbell's classic account of the formation of the links, beginning with Genesis and moving step by step to the thrilling arrival of 'tilth' on the fingers of coastal land, suggests that such notable features of our planet as dinosaurs, the prairies, the Himalayas, the seagull, the female of the species herself, were accidental by-products of the Almighty's preoccupation with the creation of the Old Course at St. Andrews.

  • The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect,

  • Hey, even the Mona Lisa is falling apart.

  • I try to imitate on the piano the leaps in space a dancer makes.

  • I think this is a very good look at how to tackle this effort. The resources and the talent are here, but now we've got to move forward with some sort of direction.

  • It is curious that people tend to regard government as a quasi-divine, selfless, Santa Claus organization. Government was constructed neither for ability nor for the exercise of loving care; government was built for the use of force and for necessarily demagogic appeals for votes. If individuals do not know their own interests in many cases, they are free to turn to private experts for guidance. It is absurd to say that they will be served better by a coercive, demagogic apparatus.