Elders famous quotes
52 minutes ago
Ruling elders are declared to be the representatives of the people.
-- Charles Hodge -
Elder sisters never can do younger ones justice!
-- Charlotte Mary Yonge -
Everybody welcome-especially elders who smoke.
-- Jacob de Jager -
there are now no elders who know more than the young themselves about what the young are experiencing.
-- Margaret Mead -
When your elders are millennia-old demigods, you’d best take the injunction to respect your elders seriously.
-- Nalo Hopkinson -
Oh, brothers! I don't care for brothers. My elder brother won't die, and my younger brothers seem never to do anything else.
-- Oscar Wilde -
The difference between being an elder statesman And posing successfully as an elder statesman Is practically negligible.
-- T. S. Eliot -
Respect the young and chastise your elders. It's about time the world was set aright.
-- Vera Nazarian -
It is the youngest in the family who tends to the elders to learn about the sacredness of life and the beauty of death.
-- Misty Upham