If You Truly Love Someone famous quotes


  • Whether it's someone struggling with mental illness, someone struggling with poverty or struggling with their own limitations in their social behaviors, for some reason, I'm drawn to characters like that.

  • So I'm pampering myself to a homemade stone pumice session, to sand down my feet because I'm worth it.

  • It would perhaps be nice to be alternately the victim and the executioner.

  • Holy solitaries' is a phrase no more consistent with the Gospel than holy adulterers. The Gospel of Christ knows no religion but social; no holiness, but social holiness.

  • America is my home I believe in her promise and I will do what I can to secure that promise for future generations of our children. America is great not because of our military might or our economic strength but because of the greatness of Americans, and I welcome the opportunity to stand shoulder to shoulder, side by side with all of you to preserve our heritage rich in "liberty and justice for all.

  • I use as high SPF as I can get, and I live under a hat like a mushroom all the time. Someone said they're worried about their kids getting older and doing drugs, and I got this look of horror on my face and thought, 'What if my girls don't wear hats?' But at 13 months old, they could say 'hat.

  • The work of community, love, reconciliation, restoration is the work we cannot leave up to politicians. This is the work we are all called to do.

  • I came very close to quitting my job for the Bush-Cheney '04 campaign. I seriously considered packing up my office and heading home to Colorado.

  • The most intimate question we can ask, and the one that has the most spiritual power, is this: What or who am I?

  • Everything is more complicated than it looks to most people.