As corny as it sounds, natural highs are the greatest highs in the world. The stars, the mountains, children, babies smiling are just magic.
My manuscripts sleep, while I cannot, for I am covered with poultices.
I think [audiences are] more aware now of the contradictions in mainstream culture, the phony piety that permeates society, the inhumane hypocrisy.
My music is how I feel, and that's changed from being twenty years old to being forty-three years old.
A good or great performance is like peeling an onion; in every scene you reveal another layer, something the audience hasn't seen until then. They stay involved because they are constantly learning about and discovering the character they are watching. They can't take you for granted and it keeps them hooked.
Ideally the ultimate retreat is to retreat from the past and the future to always remain in the present.
It's the nasty and the accident that form the foundation for elegance that comes later.
You get educated by traveling.
I noticed the drama majors on campus when I was at Notre Dame. They just seemed to be freer spirits than the rest of us. There was joy in their work; they were the only ones studying something whose work made them happy. I envied that.
When considering the truth of a proposition, one is either engaged in an honest appraisal of the evidence and logical arguments, or one isn't. Religion is one area of our lives where people imagine that some other standard of intellectual integrity applies.