Make Her Smile famous quotes


  • The chief contribution made by white men of the Americas to the folk songs of the world ——- the cowboy songs of Texas and the West ——- are rhythmed to the walk, the trot, and the gallop of horses.

  • And I believe the truth is mighty, and shines by its own light.

  • In both religion and science, some people are dishonest, exploitative, incompetent and exhibit other human failings.

  • And again, we're kind of trying to be in that place, that's just so absurd and irreverent and hysterical and it's something that at our company we're kind of, we're so irreverent about everything, we're sort of irreverent about the establishment, we're irreverent about civilization, we're irreverent about philosophy, we're irreverent about religion.

  • She had to give her teachers credit: they were right to insist all pupils carry scissors, handkerchiefs, perfume and hair ribbons at all times. At some point she'd learn why they also required a red lace doily and a lemon.

  • I see the beard and cloak, but I don't yet see a philosopher. -Video barbam et pallium; philosophum nondum video

  • I don't know where I end and the world begins. My best guess? Skin. It's the only actual boundary between the body and the world, between a body and any other body.

  • God was in Christ, reconciling the world.

  • One has to choose a word in English. If you want to be eligible for a literary prize you have to designate it as something.

  • You've got to bring the emotion, and you have to understand that you can't touch other people if you're not touched. You can't move other people if you're not moved. So if you're just giving some frickin talk you've memorized over and over again, you're going to have a flat affect. If you've just got a bunch of visuals on the screen that are leading your talk, hang up your shoes and get the hell out of there.