Ddt famous quotes
52 minutes ago
The Coach is the antidote to the Victim's Rescuer in the DDT...Mainly, a Coach supports, assists, and facilitates the Creator in manifesting a desired outcome. A Coach holds others to be whole, resourceful, and creative...They help you dig deep inside yourself to gain clarity about what you want to create in your life.
-- David Emerald Womeldorff -
TED-The Empowerment Dynamic-counteracts the poison of DDT, the Dreaded Dram Triangle. TED is the antidote for DDT.
-- David Emerald Womeldorff -
You can't eat fish. It's 6,000 parts DDT per million all over the world, not counting radiation.
-- Dick Dale -
Bolivia's majority Indian population was always excluded, politically oppressed and culturally alienated. Our national wealth, our raw materials, was plundered. Indios were once treated like animals here. In the 1930s and 40s, they were sprayed with DDT to kill the vermin on their skin and in their hair whenever they came into the city.
-- Evo Morales -
I don't care if my lettuce has DDT on it, just as long as it's crisp.
-- Jorma Kaukonen -
They banned DDT, not because it was necessarily bad, but because it was a great way to help the population control.
-- Kent Hovind -
Pasteur originally conceived the idea of germs and of destroying them. Although this started as a personal thing, it has mushroomed into DDT, killing beetles and worms, resulting in food contamination, much sickness, and trouble. Although he is regarded as hero by modern medicine, Pasteur will be treated in much the same way as a warmonger when he is judged in the spiritual world.
-- Michio Kushi -
If the U.S. wants to help people in tsunami-hit countries like Sri Lanka and Indonesia - not to mention other poor countries in Africa - there's one step that would cost us nothing and would save hundreds of thousands of lives. It would be to allow DDT in malaria-ravaged countries.
-- Nicholas D. Kristof -
Insect resistance to a pesticide was first reported in 1947 for the Housefly (Musca domestica) with respect to DDT. Since then resistance to one or more pesticides has been reported in at least 225 species of insects and other arthropods. The genetic variants required for resistance to the most diverse kinds of pesticides were apparently present in every one of the populations exposed to these man-made compounds.
-- Francisco J. Ayala