Suffering, once accepted, loses its edge, for the terror of it lessens, and what remains is generally far more manageable than we had imagined.
Standing by and doing nothing while a sin is committed is as bad as committing the sin itself
CAPM also makes use of what is called a "definitional identity." This is something that is automatically true, simply because of the way things have been defined.
Dear brothers and sisters, the Church loves you! Be an active presence in the community, as living cells, as living stones.
Separating them were two layers of brick, a few inches of plaster, and nine years of silence.
I do feel as if I'm living a blessed life at the moment. I've been thinking about the phrase 'living a dream,' because that's exactly what is happening. I'm just trying to go with the flow and take each day as it comes, otherwise I might freak out at all the things that have happened recently.
I, the soul named Wanderer, love you, human Ian and that will never change no matter what I might become. If I were a Dolphin or a Bear or a Flower, it wouldn't matter. I would always love you, always remember you. You will be my only partner." - Wanda, The Host
I have to teach myself. I kind of wish I'd continued with my education, but that's something I can do in the future.
If Obama wanted to make radical changes to America's health long-term, all he has to do is treble the price of sugar and salt.
When we do align with it, we thrive. And when we do not, we suffer. This is not "punishment." It is merely the Law of Cause and Effect. With each thought we think, we either align with universal love, or we disconnect ourselves from it. Whichever is our choice determines whether we then feel connected to, or disconnected, from our own true Selves.