Board Of Education famous quotes


  • Over and over again, we must stress that a healthy ecology is the basis for a healthy economy.

  • The Beatles set the rules. And the rules were: now just because we have long hair doesn't mean that we're rebellious.

  • Change is REFINEMENT. Change is GROWTH. Change is MOVEMENT. Change is OPPORTUNITY.

  • I sometimes think that we expect too much resolution in this world.

  • In Iraq, four American soldiers have been arrested and charged with stealing a million dollars cash. After hearing about it the Fox network announced plans for a new reality show called 'GI Joe Millionaire.'

  • I used to be an angry man myself. I’m a recovering assaholic so I could recognize that in Steve. (quoting Jean-Louis Gassée)

  • I have a friend who actually told me that she'd rather be dead than be fat. This is a woman who, if I order a sandwich at lunch, she'll order a salad. If I order a salad, she'll order half a cantaloupe. If I order half a cantaloupe, she'll order a cup of coffee. This bizarre contest continues until she's down to sucking on a mint-flavored toothpick. At this rate, her preference for dying over being fat could be a reality sooner than she thinks.

  • Now, America is a land of second chances, and I gather you have room for the estimated 6 million of us who know we got it wrong in 2008 and who want to fix it.

  • Tell your boss what you really think about him and the truth shall set you free.

  • My mother was a housewife but she was also an artist. My father was an electrical engineer.