Our Greatest Fear famous quotes


  • My communication with aliens is not verbal - we speak the language of light.

  • Anything else you're interested in is not going to happen if you can't breathe the air and drink the water. Don't sit this one out. Do something. You are by accident of fate alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet.

  • It goes back to a style of moviemaking I remember seeing as a child, in movies like The Man With The Golden Arm, which I think was shot all on a sound stage.

  • Sir, that much prudence calls for too much worry; I cannot foresee misfortunes so far away.

  • No matter what. I like to be different. Its not easy to work the way we want, because we have to deal with a lot of judgmental people, but we've always been in that position, so its nothing we cannot handle.

  • There is a wide difference between the original thinker and the merely learned man.

  • I love living in Michigan, which has been great for my kids and my family

  • It was about forgiving. I understood that forgiveness itself was strong, durable—like strands of a web weaving around us, holding us.

  • Coming to terms with the fear of death is conducive to healing, positive personality transformation, and consciousness evolution.

  • I don't think my position unusual for a woman. I'm following a perfectly natural urge to do what I like.