We are all part of a tradition, at least we depend on the past.
The things you get fired for when you’re young are the same things that you get lifetime achievement awards for when you’re old.
If your goals aren’t synced with the substance of your heart, then achieving them won’t matter much.
Did you know that I almost called the magazine Stag Party and the symbol was originally going to be a stag? I changed my mind just before we went to press, thank God. Somehow, it wouldn't have been the same. Can you imagine a chain of key clubs staffed by beautiful girls wearing antlers?
Hold on ... Say your son or daughter has just gotten killed in a car accident and you're plastered out of your mind at 3 a.m. Are you going to be able to handle that?
Help!!!! Why is Wednesday spelled like that?!!!!
Men ever follow willingly a daring leader: most willingly of all, in great emergencies.
Who heeds not the future will find sorrow at hand
I guess you kind of got to realize that once you in a marriage, whatever it is, you gotta deal with it. Not necessarily that you got to accept it, but you have to deal with it and try your best to make it work for you, for the both of you.
My only regret is that I signed away the world rights and in America they've been far and away my most successful books, but I never saw a cent from any of it.