Cuban Cigars famous quotes
Last updated: Sep 5, 2024
I loved sitting on my veranda sipping quality scotch, puffing a Cuban cigar and watching Cuba on the horizon, or the oceanic vista. Did this late in the evenings many times.
-- Dirk Benedict -
A good Cuban cigar closes the doors to the vulgarities of the world.
-- Franz Liszt -
Cuban cigars are an acquired taste, like Scotch whisky. If you're not used to them, you'll get a headache, you'll find them much too strong. But to a cigar connoisseur, a longtime smoker, if you have a well-made, well-aged one, there is nothing like a Cuban cigar. Getting them is the ultimate mission; any cigar lover would do anything
-- Marvin Shanken -
You better take advantage of the good cigars. You don't get much else in that job.
-- Thomas P. O'Neill III