Great Lovers famous quotes
Every time you go the way the audience expects, they'll think you're original. People laugh with pleasure at the obvious.
But one of the things I have learned during the time I have spent in the United States is an old African American saying: Each one, teach one. I want to believe that I am here to teach one and, more, that there is one here who is meant to teach me. And if we each one teach one, we will make a difference.
I paint what I see, not what a camera would see.
Parading our own brilliance and exulting in other people's errors is not very nice. For that matter, even wanting to parade our own brilliance and exult in other people's errors is not very nice, although it is certainly very human.
I do not trust those who make the vaccines, or the apparatus behind it all to push it on us through fear.
This is the equivalent of an “internal showerâ€. As the spring freshness born of the heavy rains and vast masses of melting snows on mountains in the hinterlands cause rivers to swell and rush turbulently onward to the sea, so too will your blood flow with renewed vigor as the direct result of your faithfully performing the Contrology exercises.
Why should the search for happiness be only or essentially material and mental? Aren't there untold riches too in the moral, the sentimental and the spiritual realms?
Having seen TED from a distance, I always thought if ever there was a place for someone like me, the outcasts, people who maintained who they are despite being told what they were, it was TED.
Those who seek happiness miss it, and those who discuss it, lack it.
The voice was gentle, like a scalpel petting the short hairs of your throat.