Breathtaking famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • When you clean up a city, you destroy it.

  • As I understand it, laws, commands, rules and edicts are for those who have not the light which makes plain the pathway.

  • During their college years the oarsmen put in terrbily long hours, often showing up at the boathouse at 6:00am for preclass practices. Both physically and psychologically, they were separated from their classmates. Events that seemed earth-shattering to them-- for example, who was demoted from the varsity to the junior varsity -- went almost unnoticed by the rest of the students. In many ways they were like combat veterans coming back from a small, bitter and distant war, able to talk only to other veterans.

  • It is through science that we prove, but through intuition that we discover.

  • Even though I'm big on recipes, I love to make up my own dishes and when you take a risk in the kitchen, you learn a lot about food!

  • Once you base your whole life striving on a desperate lie, and try to implement that lie, you instrument your own undoing.

  • The interior of a teenager’s mind is an endless war between Stupid and Clever.

  • When something has been perfect, there is a tendency to try hard to repeat it.

  • To go to Mass is to go to Heaven.

  • I'd rather be a success as a fish than a failure as a fish trying to be a bird.