Happy Alone famous quotes


  • One of the things that I've been doing recently in my scientific research is to ask this question: Is the universe actually capable of performing things like digital computations?

  • I believe in process. I believe that having a really difficult process is more valuable than a good outcome.

  • I am coming from an older school, and I feel that you must learn to wait. There is that essay which was about the great notion of sitting on the mountain and waiting for the muses to cross the stream, and give you the symbols that would allow you to create. The word wait seems to me to be terribly important.

  • People think your success is just a matter of having a pretty face. But it's easy to be chewed up and spat out. You've got to stay ahead of the game to be able to stay in it.

  • We need to revise our economic thinking to give full value to our natural resources. This revised economics will stabilize both the theory and the practice of free-market capitalism. It will provide business and public policy with a powerful new tool for economic development, profitability, and the promotion of the public good.

  • Young Frank Pastore may have pitched the biggest victory of 1979. Maybe the biggest victory of the year!

  • I get labelled as just being about one thing, but there's lots of layers to what I do.

  • The nice thing about Farscape is that you got to be the good guy and still do the bad guy things.

  • It's more than a job. It's very personal, so when you're hurt, you're really hurt inside.

  • Be patient when it seems things are not going right and may never be right again. Accept that what is yours will come to you in the right way at just the right moment.