Vengeful famous quotes


  • The land gets inside of us; and we must decide one way or another what this means, what we will do about it.

  • The reason for our success is no secret. It comes down to one single principle that transcends time and geography, religion and culture. It’s the Golden Rule – the simple idea that if you treat people well, the way you would like to be treated, they will do the same.

  • I understand that the end does not justify the means. And this should be a lasting value for democracy.

  • EVERYONE suddenly burst out singing; And I was filled with such delight As prisoned birds must find in freedom, Winging wildly across the white Orchards and dark-green fields; on—on—and out of sight. Everyone’s voice was suddenly lifted; And beauty came like the setting sun: My heart was shaken with tears; and horror Drifted away ... O, but Everyone Was a bird; and the song was wordless; the singing will never be done.

  • Breaking free, or not, is usually determined by whether you want to get somewhere slowly or nowhere fast.

  • I'm just another link in the chain.

  • I'm a grinding actor. That's how I've always viewed myself. You go from one job to the next.

  • The here and now is all we have, and if we play it right it's all we'll need.

  • Readers take in dialogue one thought at a time. A frequent mistake of beginners is to combine thoughts, which may be suitable for other forms of writing but not for dialogue. Another mistake is speechifying. Three sentences at a time is tops, yet many beginners write speeches that go on and on.

  • One likes to think there's something in it, that old platitude amor vincit omnia. But if I've learned one thing in my short sad life, it is that that particular platitude is a lie. Love doesn't conquer everything. And whoever thinks it does is a fool.