You can't just throw people at all your problems, dear.
Creativity comes from the spiritual realm, the collective consciousness. And the mind is in a different realm than the molecules of the brain. The brain is a receiver, not a source.
I invested. I wanted to cushion the future. Im a financial success!
I remember passing through New York in college and thinking, Im going to come back here. The energy just made me think of Europe - everyone walking, seeing the delis and flowers outside. It just felt very familiar. I loved it right away.
Journalists generally have no bias toward one cosmological theory or another, but many have a natural preference for excitement.
I would be killed by an atheistic government which was trying to force me to renounce my God-fearing government. I was convinced that the next day would be my last on earth, and I felt no bitterness. God had given me a full life.
There's a lot of violence in Beethoven not explicitly suggested by the notes or in his markings, necessarily. There's just a way that it looks on the page that encourages it to be played in a certain fashion.
From the moment you are clear in your vision of yourself and how you project that vision in your family, your community and in the world, that's all that matters.
The reason they call if 'golf' is that all the other 4 letter words were used up.
True progress quietly and persistently moves along without notice.