I find directing more satisfying.
Your victory is right around the corner. Never give up.
One's style holds one, thankfully, at bay from the enemies of it but not from the stupid crucifixions by those who must willfully misunderstand it.
Don't use your words to describe the situation. Use your words to change the situation.
Laziness is built deep into our nature.
The most basic barrier was language itself, very few Americans in Iraq whether soldiers or diplomats or news paper reporters could speak more than a few words of Arabic. A remarkable number of them didn't even have translators. That meant for many Iraqis the typical 19 year old army corporal from South Dakota was not a youthful innocent carrying Americas good will, he was a terrifying combination of firepower and ignorance.
As long as there are teenage girls, there will be boy bands. It's a question of how long it takes them to get their music together to come out.
I believe in humanitarian capitalism, and there are good people on Wall Street.
I don't get this whole super-skinny obsession. I really think women look more beautiful when they let their curves show.
Her cake is a failure, but she is loved anyway. She is loved, she thinks, in more or less the way the gifts will be appreciated: because they have been given with good intentions , because they exist, because they are part of a world in which one wants what one gets.