You Make Me Happy famous quotes


  • Everyone I know, men and women alike, would love to see the world changed so that boys and girls, men and women are valued equally for what we contribute, despite the differences in how our brains and bodies work.

  • It was an identity crisis. I was born and raised in France, but I never really felt French, so I needed to find something that I was more connected to. I used to go back to Tunisia every summer, but I was more into the language, my Arabic roots.

  • Every player wants to be as complete as possible and goals for a central midfielder are very important.

  • Science gives us a powerful vocabulary, and it is impossible to produce a vocabulary with which one can only say nice things.

  • For an athlete, the biggest pressure comes from within. You know what you want to do and what you're capable of.

  • That's the problem with relationships, It's a contract. You agree to be some unchanging caricature of yourself. To act the same way all the time. Never to change. It's counter-evolutionary. How can anything new and good come into your life, if you're holding on to something that doesn't exist anymore?

  • You can't just cry about the pain. You can't just pray about the pain. You must eliminate the pain.

  • The demonstration that no possible combination of known substances, known forms of machinery and known forms of force, can be united in a practical machine by which men shall fly along distances through the air, seems to the writer as complete as it is possible for the demonstration to be.

  • Red stimulates and excites your nerves, pulse rate and blood circulation, and lends energy to your entire system. When you are fatigued, lethargic or sluggish for any reason, red has an energizing influence.

  • People want opportunity so they can earn security.