Handicapped famous quotes


  • What have I gained by health? Intolerable dullness. What by mode meals? A total blank.

  • A novelist who ranks with Proust , Kafka , Musil and his friend James Joyce as one of the enduring pillars of Modernism.

  • And let me die suddenly, to be born again in the revelation of beauty....And the revelation of beauty is the wisdom of the ancestors.

  • Beauty is commonly a gratification of our sense of costliness masquerading under the name of beauty.

  • The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday's logic.

  • Middle age is when you stop criticizing the older generation and start criticizing the younger one.

  • My favorite color is rainbow.

  • A story is not only meaning, it's music as well.

  • He's earned all his money himself, with his fists. He didn't steal it like the rest of our politicians. And he'll be less tempted to steal if he gets in the chair.

  • Imitation is the highest form of flattery, but clones kind of get it wrong because we are promoting individuality and being proud of being yourself.