Disease And Death famous quotes


  • I love the slow, warming sensation of my body going numb when I drink.

  • Happiness is a by product of service.

  • If you are capable of making good pictures it's immoral not to do so, for whatever reason or excuse you might give.

  • I am all the time talking about you, and bragging, to one person or another. I am like the Ancient Mariner, who had a tale in his heart he must unfold to all. I am always buttonholing somebody and saying, "Someday you must meet my mother."

  • There's no such thing as a meaningless, worthless, or stupid dream.

  • ‎Once we recognize what it is we are feeling, once we recognize we can feel deeply, love deeply, can feel joy, then we will demand that all parts of our lives produce that kind of joy.

  • Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone. Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

  • Do not have Jesus Christ on your lips, and the world in your heart.

  • A friendship between a man and a woman was what you called it when one had been pursuing the other for a long time and never gotten anywhere.

  • Lots of things are hard work, but I think writing, for me, after I started acting at 13 years old. I like writing now much more than I do acting only because, well, partly because the scripts that are offered are junk.