Honeymooners famous quotes


  • Your prosperity will only grow as fast as you do.

  • Correlation is not causation.

  • God, she was beautiful - my first image of the Orient - a woman such as only the desert poet knew how to praise: her face was the sun, her hair the protecting shadow, her eyes fountains of cool water, her body the most slender of palm-trees and her smile a mirage.

  • Humor is the opposite of all self-admiration and self-praise.

  • The senses are our bridge between the incomprehensible and the comprehensible.

  • Here's the problem: Profiteers haunt America, and for everything we try to control, someone's going to profit from it, more than you control it.

  • Ethnic stereotypes are misshapen pearls, sometimes with a sandy grain of truth at their center. ... but they ignore complexity, change, and individuality.

  • For four - fifths of our history, our planet was populated by pondscum.

  • A mechanic is just an engineer in blue jeans.

  • When you know absolutely nothing about the topic, make your forecast by asking a carefully selected probability sample of 300 others who don't know the answer either.