Without God famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • I do not think that the radio waves I have discovered will have any practical application.

  • Today, under the influences of Eastern religions and philosophies imported into the West, many Christians confuse God's Spirit with our spirit and think our spirit is a spark of the divine, "the God within everyone." That's not how the biblical writers thought about our spirits or souls.

  • Animals, whom we have made our slaves, we do not like to consider our equal.

  • It is the sense of unfamiliar envelopment that is impressive, whether in the living grays of hoarfrost, the crimson of the heavens at sunset, or the golden suffusions of autumn.

  • Evolution goes beyond what went before, but because it must embrace what went before, then its very nature is to transcend and include and thus it has an inherent directionality, a secret impulse, toward increasing depth, increasing intrinsic value, increasing consciousness. In order for evolution to move at all, it must move in those directions-there's no place else for it to go!

  • When I am told (by those who confuse predestination with God's providence) that God already knows who will be saved and who will be damned, and therefore anything we do is useless, I usually answer with four truths that the bible spells out for us:God wants that everyone be saved; No one is predestined to go to hell; Jesus died for everyone; and everyone is given sufficient graces for salvation.

  • Depart then satisfied, for he also who releases thee is satisfied.

  • The worst advice a young writer can get is "Write what you know." Imagination is more important than experience.

  • No teacher has ever been better prepared to teach a lesson.

  • At the age of nineteen and a half, I went to the Land of Israel to till its soil and live by the labour of my hands. As I did not find work, I sought my livelihood elsewhere.