Source : "Securing Our Future Through Our Children’s Health" by Sec. Tom Vilsack, April 25, 2010.
#Childhood Quotes #Risk Quotes #Generations Quotes
“... We're werewolves. We don't get to judge 'crazy.”
Source : Carrie Vaughn (2010). “Kitty Goes to War”, p.276, Macmillan
“Winning once can be a fluke; winning twice proves you are the best.”
“in God alone is love without tears, and of eternal duration.”
Source : Eugénie de GUÉRIN, François Guillaume Stanislas TRÉBUTIEN (1866). “Letters of E. de G. Edited by G. S. Trébutien. [Translated from the French.]”, p.132
Source : Source:
Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
Elena Kagan
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
Jacob Lew
United States Secretary of the Treasury
Kathleen Sebelius
United States Secretary of Health and Human Services
Ken Salazar
Former United States Secretary of the Interior
Penny Pritzker
United States Secretary of Commerce
Sally Jewell
United States Secretary of the Interior
Thomas Perez
United States Secretary of Labor
Ashton Carter
United States Secretary of Defense