Source : "ESPN's Bill Simmons on His Mini-Empire, Why Hollywood 'Sucks' and Why He Won't Write about Sandusky (Q&A)". Interview with Lacey Rose, November 22, 2011.
#Sports Quotes #Impact Quotes #Empowering Quotes
Source : "Michigan's own Dax Shepard discusses his new film 'Hit and Run'". Interview with Tom Santilli, August 21, 2012.
Source : "Expecting Someone Taller". Book by Tom Holt, 1987.
“A fact is not a truth until you love it.”
Source : Shelby Foote, William C. Carter (1989). “Conversations with Shelby Foote”, p.248, Univ. Press of Mississippi
Source : Flora Thompson (2008). “The Peverel papers: nature notes written in Liphoo, Hampshire, 1921-1927”
“A man on a mission is far different from a drone on a deadline.”
Source : Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, Green Cross International (2011). “Mikhail Gorbachev: Prophet of Change : from the Cold War to a Sustainable World”, p.53, CLAIRVIEW BOOKS
Chuck Klosterman
Donald Trump
Jalen Rose
Basketball player
Michael Wilbon
Rick Reilly
Stephen A. Smith
Talk show host
Tony Kornheiser
Colin Cowherd
Radio host