#Prison Quotes #Shame Quotes #Poor Quotes
“illusions are crucial to the maintenance of life functions ...”
“Everybody's doing it. When I'm performing and I do the Dougie, the fans lose their minds.”
“I'm no buddhist, but this is fu**ing enlightmentment”
“If time is treated in modern physics as a dimension on a par with the dimensions of space, why should we a priori exclude the possibility that we are pulled as well as pushed along its axis? The future has, after all, as much or as little reality as the past, and there is nothing logically inconceivable in introducing, as a working hypothesis, an element of finality, supplementary to the element of causality, into our equations. It betrays a great lack of imagination to believe that the concept of "purpose" must necessarily be associated with some anthropomorphic deity.”
“I have too many credit cards. You know what happened? Someone stole one and I didn't notice. I noticed when I got that bill. Whoa! It was so much less! I'm letting him keep it. I'm saving money!”
“[Composers] Mark [Shaiman] and Scott [Wittman] are unreal”
Source : Source: www.etonline.com
“Religion is life, philosophy is thought; religion looks up, friendship looks in. We need both thought and life, and we need that the two shall be in harmony.”
“Plays can create empathy. If you put a Muslim character on stage, and make him a full character, you're making it possible for the audience to feel empathy, and a little empathy on both sides would help.”
Cody Lundin Television host
Geri Larkin
Robert Heller