#Prayer Quotes #Loss Quotes #Thinking Quotes
“I was not "shoe." That's a misuse of the term "shoe," which is derived from "white shoe."”
“Whether of not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should...”
Source : "Desiderata" (1927)
“Stand up for your principles, but be a decent human being while you're doing it.”
“Neatness of phrase is so closely akin to wit that it is often accepted as its substitute.”
“I have a personality defect where I REFUSE to see myself as an underdog.”
Source : "Sundance: Lena Dunham, Kristen Wiig and Your Other Favorite Female Comedians on Misogyny, Sex Scenes, and Their Secret Weapons" by Emily Buder, www.indiewire.com. January 26, 2015.
Source : Source: www.raintaxi.com