“Imagine if Congress always put the interests of polluters ahead of the health of our families. Our rivers and lakes would be choked with sewage. Acid rain would pour down from smog-filled skies. Hundreds of thousands more of our neighbors, friends, and loved ones would be victims of cancer, heart disease, and asthma.”
Source : "A Dangerous Proposal" by Sen. Jeff Merkley, www.huffingtonpost.com. March 23, 2010.
“Those single-track military minds never think to ask their cleaning staff for help in giant lethal marauding creature matters.”
“When the 'weaker' of the two brains (right and left) is stimulated and encouraged to work in cooperation with the stronger side, the end result is a great increase in overall ability and ... often five to ten times more effectiveness.”
“Thanksgiving is one of my favorite American traditions. I quickly picked it up when I moved to the U.S. from Sweden.”
“All there is to do, right at this very moment, is to breathe in, breathe out, and kiss the joy as it flies.”
“It is not rejection itself that people fear, it is the possible consequences of rejection. Preparing to accept those consequences and viewing rejection as a learning experience that will bring you closer to success, will not only help you to conquer the fear of rejection, but help you to appreciate rejection itself.”
“I never laugh until I've had my coffee.”
Source : "Fictional character: Babe Stewart". "No Man of Her Own", www.imdb.com. 1932.
“The soul can split the sky in two and let the face of God shine through.”
Source : "Renascence" l. 207 (1917)