Source : "Giffords: Too Soon to Settle on a Plan for Health Care". The Arizona Daily Star, August 11, 2009.
Gabrielle Giffords#People Quotes #Decision Quotes #Sound Quotes
Source : Interview with Michael Carlson, "Crime Time",, 2001.
Source : Source:
Source : "Ben Vereen Reflects on His Career Before Playing the Town Hall" by James Sims, February 3, 2011.
“Greg Maddux could put a baseball through a life saver if you asked him.”
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
U.S. Representative
Diane Sawyer
News Anchor
Elizabeth Warren
United States Senator
Jeff Flake
United States Senator
Martha McSally
United States Representative
Nancy Pelosi
Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives
Sarah Palin
Former Governor of Alaska
Trent Franks
U.S. Representative
Wayne LaPierre