Alexander Anderson
"Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and for thy possession, the ends of the earth. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron. Thou shalt dash them in pieces, like a potters vessel. Be wise now therefore, ye kings. Be admonished, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the son lest he be angry, and ye perish in the way, though his wrath be kindled but a little." --
Alexander Anderson
#Wise Quotes
#Kings Quotes
#Son Quotes
“Just hit the blunt one time and see if it don't change your perception on whats important in your life.”
Source : FaceBook post by Katt Williams from Oct 19, 2012
“...To the Dolphin alone, beyond all other, nature has granted what the best philosophers seek: friendship for no advantage”
“I don't pay no attention to what critics say about me, the good or the bad. The toughest critic I got is myself...and I'm too vain to play anything I think is bad.”
“The power of music just kinda kills all those ills; it cures everything and you’ve got more energy just from the music. And, I’ve never seen it fail. It’s good for ya; real good for ya.”
“'Tis a strange thing, Sam, that among us people can't agree the whole week, because they go different ways upon Sundays.”
“Malice, in its false witness, promotes its tale with so cunning a confusion, so mingles truths with falsehoods, surmises with certainties, causes of no moment with matters capital, that the accused can absolutely neither grant nor deny, plead innocen.”
“I also found being called Sir rather silly.”
“If you look at the publishers I've worked with, generally, they're a great bunch. Creation is unlike any other publishing house you can think of. The people I've worked with have integrity and intelligence and, almost always, less money than ideas.”