“I'm not interested in selling out my career for a big paycheck. I would love to live a little more comfortably, but it is very important for me to try and maintain my soul and integrity as a filmmaker in as big of a way as possible.”
Source : Source: collider.com
“Throughout my life, cigars have played different roles for me. They fit easily and well in the various stages and experiences Ive had -- like a companion, almost. If youve smoked a long time, as I have, they become part of you.”
“We don't know what may yet happen to us, what military and political defeats we may yet have to face.”
“I was on some TV shows with Lady Gaga the other week, and you could see the difference in reaction between her fans and my fans outside. She comes out, and she looks like a star, and the reaction is just tears, crying, people going, 'Oh my God, Oh my God.' My fans are like: 'Alright, Ed.'”
“I understand why so many female comics quit or change their path, because it is hard. It's hard to be a comedian, and people have so much aggression towards women. I don't really know where that comes from, but I feel a total responsibility, and I'm gonna do my part, to continue on the path that I'm on.”
“People hear the soul, black influence in my voice. I grew up listening to CKLW and all the black stations like WLBS.”
“Get up and do it if it needs to be done, even if you hate it!”
Source : "Former Cosmo editor Gurley Brown dead at 90", www.cnn.com. August 17, 2012.
“St. Louis is closer to Minneapolis than Milwaukee is.”
Source : "MLB by the Numbers, but Who's Buying?". Sports Business Journal, December 24-30, 2001.