Source : "George Osborne plays down tax cuts but wants to make sacking staff easier" by Patrick Wintour, September 30, 2011.
#Christmas Quotes #Cutting Quotes #Should Quotes
“The peers just fill the air with their speeches.""And from what I've seen, vice versa.”
Source : Gregory Benford (2010). “Timescape”, p.46, Spectra
“You must...know that you are great. Never forget that. It is where true joy lies.”
“Madison Avenue is afraid of the dark.”
Source : "'Unforgettable' Nat King Cole now downloadable" by Alan Duke, February 15, 2011.
Boris Johnson
Mayor of London
David Cameron
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Ed Miliband
British Politician
Frances Osborne
Iain Duncan Smith
British Politician
Michael Gove
British Politician
Nick Clegg
Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Theresa May
British Politician
Jeremy Corbyn