#Technology Quotes #Ethos Quotes #Valleys Quotes
Source : "Hugging Our Inner Child, Not Our Chaos" by Yehuda Berg, www.huffingtonpost.com. January 19, 2011.
“Libraries collect the works of genius of every language and every age.”
Source : George Bancroft “History of the United States, from the discovery of the amarican continent”
“As you move through life, set aside good ideas and give them to others to encourage and inspire.”
Source : Joe Hyams (2010). “Zen in the Martial Arts”, p.107, Bantam
“Gaining trust is like filling a bucket one drop at a time.”
Jan Tschichold
Michael Bierut
Graphic Designer
Muriel Cooper
Graphic Designer
Paola Antonelli
Paul Rand
Graphic Designer
Paula Scher
Graphic Designer
Salomon Bochner
Stefan Sagmeister
Graphic Designer
Yugo Nakamura