#Milk Quotes #Moments Quotes #That Moment Quotes
“To copy others is necessary, but to copy oneself is pathetic.”
“Freedom of speech is one of the greatest American liberties, and I hope this pardon serves as a reminder of the precious freedoms we are fighting to preserve as we continue to wage the war on terror.”
“For a woman, body image is always a palpable thing. Weirdly, for me, the only time I don't care is when I'm in character.”
“Without any doubt the best player in the Premiership has to be Scholes. He knows how to do everything, and he is one who directs the way his team plays. On top of that, he has indestructible mental strength and he is a genuine competitor.”
“Do not take yearly results too seriously. Instead, focus on four or five-year averages.”
“I'm a big old egotistical baby and that's okay. I can accept it.”
“A successful career has been full of blunders.”
“Our test of truth is a reference to either a present or imagined future majority in favour of our view.”
Bernard Manning Comedian
Pippa Evans Comedian