#Justice Quotes #Social Justice Quotes #Chivalry Quotes
Source : Eugene Kennedy (1987). “On Being a Friend”, Ballantine Books
“Integrity, the choice between what's convenient and what's right.”
Source : Tony Dungy (2011). “Uncommon: Finding Your Path to Significance”, p.27, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
“Age makes all things greater after their death; a name comes to the tongue easier from the grave.”
“Falling in love as we know it is an addictive experience.”
Source : Susan Cheever (2009). “Desire: Where Sex Meets Addiction”, p.43, Simon and Schuster
Elizabeth Blackwell
Medical Doctor
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
H. L. Mencken
Lucy Stone
Mary Livermore
Emily Blackwell
Medical Doctor
Susan B. Anthony
Women's rights activist