Source : "'I do not use crack cocaine,' Mayor Rob Ford says". May 24, 2013.
#Cracks Quotes #Use Quotes #Cocaine Quotes
Source : "Indira Varma Interview HUMAN TARGET". Interview with Christina Radish, October 25, 2010.
Source : "Meet & Greet Monday : Conversations with Jonny Lang and DJ Steve Porter". Interview with Mike Ragogna, June 25, 2010.
Source : Interview with Pati Buehler, June 18, 2008.
“'Fact checking' is opinion journalism pretending to be some sort of heightened objectivity.”
“It was violent, it was brutal, and it got down right uglyyy!”
“Birds are, perhaps, the most eloquent expression of reality.”
“Brain cells create ideas. Stress kills brain cells. Stress is not a good idea”
Chris Farley
Doug Ford, Jr.
Hazel McCallion
Political figure
Jack Layton
Member of the Canadian House of Commons
Justin Trudeau
Member of the Canadian House of Commons
Kathleen Wynne
Premier of Ontario
Marion Barry
American Politician
Pierre Trudeau
Former Prime Minister of Canada
Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada