#Men Quotes #Genius Quotes #Wells Quotes
Source : Source: edition.cnn.com
“Sweet tastes have sour closes; and he repents on thorns that sleeps in beds of roses.”
“That's the thing about someone who rarely gets upset: when they do, you notice.”
Source : Source: aalbc.com
“You ask men in office to be honest; I ask them to serve the public.”
“Books are an attempt to control something that's uncontrollable.”
Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Eleanor Roosevelt
Former First Lady of the United States
Elihu Root
Former U.S. Senator
Franklin D. Roosevelt
32nd U.S. President
George B. Cortelyou
Former United States Secretary of the Treasury
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
Theodore Roosevelt
26th U.S. President
William Howard Taft
27th U.S. President
William Vaughn Moody