#Monkeys Quotes #Should Quotes #Organs Quotes
Source : Philip Kotler (2011). “Marketing Insights from A to Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know”, p.12, John Wiley & Sons
Source : Ida B. Wells (2013). “Crusade for Justice: The Autobiography of Ida B. Wells”, p.231, University of Chicago Press
“I know the difference between black magic and white magic.”
“I have always applied myself the same for club and country.”
Clement Attlee
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Ernest Bevin
British Statesman
Harold Wilson
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Hugh Gaitskell
British Politician
Michael Foot
Former Leader of the Labour Party
Stafford Cripps
William Beveridge
Aneurin Barnard
Keir Hardie
Member of Parliament