“I would imagine that if you could understand Morse code, a tap dancer would drive you crazy.”
“You have to love dancing to stick to it. It gives you nothing back, no manuscripts to store away, no paintings to show on walls and maybe hang in museums, no poems to be printed and sold, nothing but that fleeting moment when you feel alive. It is not for unsteady souls .”
Source : Merce Cunningham, Meredith Monk, Bill T. Jones, Walker Art Center (1998). “Art performs life: Merce Cunningham, Meredith Monk, Bill T. Jones”
“Freshness is essential. That makes all the difference.”
“I studied all about Gauguin. He was a banker. He was a banker who - he used to paint on Sundays. And one day he hated himself for painting on Sundays.”
“I'm coming for Ryan Seacrest - I want to be the black Ryan Seacrest for BET. I want to host, I want to produce, I want to do everything for the network.”
“Now, because of this big backdrop that we've given ourselves, these little personal, human details take on a whole new context and give us opportunities for comedy.”
Source : Source: collider.com
“There is only one conflict in Ukraine today and it is between the regime and the people.”
“Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline.”
Source : "Turn on, tune in - or drown in a sea of mediocrity" by Simon Caulkin, www.theguardian.com. September 2, 2006.