“We should not think of conversion as the acceptance of a particular creed, but as a change of heart.”
“Why does the Air Force need expensive new bombers? Have the people we've been bombing over the years been complaining?”
Source : "Absurdities, Scandals & Stupidities in Politics". Book by Hakeem Shittu and Callie Query, p. 106, 2006.
“We are anthill men upon an anthill world.”
“The word poet literally means maker: anything which is not well made doesn't exist.”
“I'm especially interested in the music of John Cage.. ..I would like to do some experimenting with the relationship between his freeform sound and free-form art.”
“If you are sad, If you are heartbroken , make yourself up , dress up , add more lipstick and attack . Men hate women who weep.”
“Important lessons: look carefully; record what you see. Find a way to make beauty necessary; find a way to make necessity beautiful.”
Source : Anne Michaels (2010). “Fugitive Pieces”, p.44, Emblem Editions
“If any overarching conclusion emerges from the Afghan and Iraq Wars (and from their Israeli equivalents), it's this: victory is a chimera.”